職稱 名譽教授/兼任教授
姓名 林月雲
聯絡電話 87078
研究專長 企業管理 、人力資源管理 、智慧資本、企業社會責任
授課領域 企業管理 、人力資源管理 、智慧資本、企業社會責任
學歷 美國德州大學奧斯汀分校人力資源發展博士(1991)
聯絡地址 116 臺北市文山區指南路二段六四號國立政治大學企業管理學系
個人網站 http://ba.nccu.edu.tw/uploads/asset/data/5a3b2b1a1d41c85304002c27/2011_new_Carol.03.english.pdf
年度 論文名稱
2020 Lin Yeh-Yun*;Edvinsson Leif, 2020.07, 'Reflections on JIC’s twenty-year history and suggestions for future IC research, ' Journal of Intellectual Capital, pp.1-19.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 428843, Jul. 2020
2018 Lin, C.Y.Y.*, 2018.10, 'Intellectual capital of South Africa: A comparison with Poland and Romania, ' Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol.19, No.3, pp.498-518.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 420890, Oct. 2018
2017 I-Chen Lee*;Carol Y.Y. Lin;Te-Yi Lin, 2017, 'The creation of national intellectual capital from the perspective of Hofstede’s national culture, ' Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol.184, No.4, pp.807-831.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 417880, Jan. 2017
2015 Ni, N.*;Egri, C.;Lo, C.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2015, 'Patterns of Corporate Responsibility Practices for High Financial Performance: Evidence from Three Chinese Societies, ' Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.126, No.2, pp.169-183.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 407242, Jan. 2015
2015 Wei, Y.C.*;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2015, 'Intangible assets and decline: A population ecology perspective, ' Journal of Management and Organization, Vol.21, No.6, pp.755-771.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 405839, Jan. 2015
2015 Stahle, P.*;Stahle, S.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2015.01, 'Intangibles and national economic wealth: A new perspective on how they are linked, ' Journal of Intellectual capital., Vol.16, No.1, pp.20-57.(*為通訊作者), vol. 404674, Jan. 2015
2014 Wei, Y.C.*;Egri, C.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2014.10, 'Do Corporate Social Responsibility Practices Yield Different Business Benefits in Eastern and Western Contexts?, ' Chinese management Studies, Vol.8, No.4, pp.556-576.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 405841, Oct. 2014
2014 Yang, C.C.*;Lin, Y.Y.;Yang, H.Y.;Liao, Y. S., 2014.04, 'Empirical Study of the Correlation between Organizational Culture and Work Attitude of Employee in Hospital, ' Hospital, Vol.47, No.2, pp.30-45.(*為通訊作者), vol. 404676, Apr. 2014
2014 Wei, Y.C.*;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2014, 'How can corporate social responsibility lead to firm performance? A longitudinal study in Taiwan., ' Corporate Reputation Review, Vol.18, No.2, pp.111-127.(SCOPUS)(*為通訊作者), vol. 405840, Jan. 2014
2013 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L., 2013.05, 'National Intellectual Capital in Israel and Financial Crisis Impact, ' International Journal of Knowledge Based Development, Vol.4, No.3, pp.245-273.(*為通訊作者), vol. 394978, May. 2013
2013 Lin, S.;McDonough, E.;Lin, C.Y.Y.;Lin, S.J., 2013.03, 'Managing the exploitation/ exploration paradox: The role of a learning capability and innovation ambidexterity, ' Journal of Product Innovation Management, Vol.30, No.2, pp.262-278.(SSCI), vol. 331873, Mar. 2013
2012 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Lu, T.C;Lin, H.W, 2012.09, 'A different perspective of expatriate management, ' Human Resource Management Review, Vol.22, No.3, pp.189-207.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 394987, Sep. 2012
2012 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L., 2012.09, 'National Intellectual Capital Model and Measurement, ' International Journal of Knowledge Based Development, Vol.3, No.1, pp.58-82.(*為通訊作者), vol. 367163, Sep. 2012
2012 Chen,Y.C.*;Lin, C.Y.Y.;Lin, S.;McDonough, E., 2012.09, 'Does Transformational Leadership Facilitate Technological Innovation? The Moderating Roles of Innovative Culture and Incentive Compensation, ' Asia Pacific Journal of Management, Vol.29, No.2, pp.239-264.(*為通訊作者), vol. 360620, Sep. 2012
2012 Liu, F.C;Lin, Y.Y., 2012.08, 'A Cross-level Analysis of Organizational Creativity Climate and Perceived Innovation: The Mediating Effect of Work Motivation, ' European Journal of Innovation Management, Vol.15, No.1, pp.55-76., vol. 346497, Aug. 2012
2011 Chi, N.*;Lin, Y.Y., 2011.09, 'Beyond the High-Performance Paradigm: Exploring the Curvilinear Relationship between High-Performance Work Systems and Organizational Performance in Taiwanese Manufacturing Firms, ' British Journal of Industrial Relations, Vol.49, No.3, pp.486-514.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 295866, Sep. 2011
2009 Huang, Y.M.;Lin, S.C.;Lin, Y.Y., 2009, 'The relationships of team diversity and innovative performance: The mediating effects of external activity and team cohesiveness, ' Sun Yat-Sen Management Review, Vol.17, No.4, pp.847-882., vol. 319526, Jan. 2009
2009 Yu, P.H.;Lin, Y.Y.;Chang, H.F., 2009, 'Succeed or change: A qualitative research of the succession process in Taiwanese enterprises, ' Organization and Management, Vol.2, No.2, pp.109-153.(TSSCI), vol. 295865, Jan. 2009
2009 Lin, Y.Y.;Chen, M.Y., 2009, 'Exploring the application of survey response willingness theories, ' Organization and Management, Vol.2, No.1, pp.1-62.(TSSCI), vol. 295853, Jan. 2009
2009 Cheng, F.H.;Lin, Y.Y., 2009, 'Do as the Large Enterprises Do ? Expatriate Selection and Overseas Performance in Emerging Markets: The Case of Taiwan SMEs, ' International Business Review, Vol.18, pp.60-75., vol. 295857, Jan. 2009
2009 Tsou, H.H.;Yu, J.;Lin, Y.Y., 2009, 'Entry Timing and Performance Under Uncertainty: Taiwanese Firms Investing in China, ' Asia Pacific Management Review, Vol.14, No.3, pp.263-277., vol. 295858, Jan. 2009
2009 Yang, C.C.;Lin, Y.Y., 2009, 'Does intellectual capital mediate the relationship between HRM and organizational performance ? Perspective of a health care industry in Taiwan, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.20, No.9, pp.1965-1984.(SSCI), vol. 295850, Jan. 2009
2009 Liao, W.C.*;Lin, Y.Y.;Yu, B.S., 2009, 'Mediation effect of corporate responsibility practice in the relationship between perceived importance of stakeholders and organizational performance, ' Journal of Management, Vol.26, No.2, pp.213-232.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 295773, Jan. 2009
2008 Han, T.S.;Lin, Y.Y.;Chen, Y.C., 2008, 'Developing Human Capital Indicators: A Three-Way Approach, ' International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital Special Issue, Vol.5, pp.387-403., vol. 331843, Jan. 2008
2008 Lin, Y.Y.;Lin, Y.T., 2008, 'National Intellectual Capital: Exploring Taiwan''s Standing, ' International Journal of Learning and Intellectual Capital Special Issue, Vol.5, pp.311-331., vol. 331844, Jan. 2008
2008 林月雲*;Edvinsson, L., 2008, 'National intellectual capital: Comparison of the Nordic Countries, ' Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol.9, No.4, pp.525-545.(*為通訊作者), vol. 295772, Jan. 2008
2008 陳端容*;林月雲, 2008, 'Career advancement of hospital-based physicians: School stratification or inequity in social capital?, ' 管理學報, Vol.25, No.4, pp.397-409.(TSSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 295770, Jan. 2008
2008 Chen,D.R.*;Lin, Y.Y.;Chung, K.P., 2008, 'Career stress and female managers’ health in Taiwan’s hospitals: A multilevel model approach, ' Health Care Management Review, Vol.33, No.1, pp.40-50.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 295771, Jan. 2008
2008 紀乃文*;吳芷雲;林月雲, 2008, 'Does training facilitate SME’s overseas performance?, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.19, No.10, pp.1962-1975.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 295769, Jan. 2008
2007 Hsu, I.C.;Lin, Y.Y*;Lawler, J.J.;Wu, S.H., 2007, 'Toward a Model of Organizational Human Capital Development: Preliminary Evidence from Taiwan, ' Asia Pacific Business Review, Vol.13, No.2.(*為通訊作者), vol. 215687, Jan. 2007
2007 Lin, Y.Y.*;Chen, Y.G., 2007, 'Does Innovation Leads to Performance? An Empirical Study of SMEs in Taiwan, ' Managing Research News, Vol.30, No.2, pp.115-132.(*為通訊作者), vol. 215683, Jan. 2007
2007 Liu, S.S*;林月雲, 2007, 'Building Customer Capital through Knowledge Management Processes in the Healthcare Context, ' Health Care Management Review, Vol.32, No.2, pp.1-10.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 213103, Jan. 2007
2006 林月雲;Wei, Y.C.;Chen, M.H., 2006, 'The Role of Board Chair in the Relationship between Board Human Capital and Firm Performance, ' International Journal of Business Governance and Ethics, Vol.2, No.3, pp.329-340.(ABI/INFORM), vol. 319527, Jan. 2006
2006 Lin, Y.Y.*;Wei, Y.C., 2006, 'The role of business ethics in merger and acquisition success: An empirical study, ' Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.69, pp.95-109.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 215681, Jan. 2006
2005 Lin, Y.Y.*;Zhang, J., 2005, 'A Changing Structure of SME Networking: Publishing Industry in Taiwan, ' Long Range Planning, Vol.38, pp.145-162.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 215680, Jan. 2005
2005 Lin, Y.Y.*;Wei, Y.C., 2005, 'An Eastern and SME Version of Expatriate Management: An Empirical Study of Small and Medium Enterprises in Taiwan, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.16, No.8, pp.1431-1453.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 215679, Jan. 2005
2003 Lin, Y.Y.;Tien, W.P., 2003, 'An analysis of past research on expatriate management, ' Journal of Human Resources Development, Vol.03, No.03, pp.1-25.(TSSCI), vol. 149957, Jan. 2003
2002 Lin, Y.Y.;Wu, M.L., 2002, 'The relationship between managers’ competency and employees’ performance, ' Fu-Je Management Journal, Vol.9, No.2, pp.35-58., vol. 144346, Jan. 2002
2002 Lin, Y.Y.;Wu, M.L., 2002, 'Organizational mortality: An ecological study of the Bicycle Industry, ' Management Review, Vol.21, No.3, pp.115-136.(TSSCI), vol. 144344, Jan. 2002
2002 林月雲, 2002, 'Empowerment in a service industry: An empirical study in Taiwan, '., vol. 144338, Jan. 2002
2002 Lin, Y.Y.;Chiao, Y.C.;Yu, C.M., 2002, 'Internationalization, proprietary assets and performance: An examination of large Taiwanese firms, ' Journal of Management, Vol.19, No.5, pp.811-842.(TSSCI), vol. 144340, Jan. 2002
2002 Lin, Y.Y.;Wu, M.L., 2002, 'Organizational mortality and industrial evolution: An ecological study of the Stone Industry, ' Journal of Management, Vol.19, No.2, pp.327-353.(TSSCI), vol. 144342, Jan. 2002
2000 林月雲;Chen, W.H., 2000, 'The effect of social factors on the success of automation: An empirical study in Taiwan, ' Journal of Engineering and Technology Management, Vol.00, No.17, pp.39-58.(SSCI), vol. 149987, Jan. 2000
1999 林月雲, 1999, 'A comparison of perceptions about business ethics in four countries, ' The Journal of Psychology, Vol.133, No.06, pp.641-655.(SCIE), vol. 149990, Jan. 1999
1999 Lin, Y.Y., 1999, 'Business ethics in Taiwan: A comparison of company employees and university students, ' Business & Professional Ethics Journal, Vol.18, No.2, pp.69-90., vol. 149984, Jan. 1999
1998 Lin, Y.Y., 1998, 'Success factors of small- and medium-sized enterprises in Taiwan: An analysis of cases, ' Journal of Small Business Management, Vol.36, No.4, pp.43-56.(SSCI), vol. 319534, Jan. 1998
1998 Lin, Y.Y., 1998, 'The essence of empowerment: A conceptual model and a case illustration, ' Journal of Applied Management Studies, Vol.7, No.2, pp.223-238., vol. 319531, Jan. 1998
1997 Lin, Y.Y., 1997, 'Labor relations in Taiwan: A cross-cultural perspective, ' Industrial Relations Journal, Vol.28, No.1, pp.56-67., vol. 319623, Jan. 1997
1997 Lin, Y.Y., 1997, 'Human resource management in Taiwan: A future perspective, ' International Journal of Human Resource Management, Vol.8, No.1, pp.29-43.(SSCI), vol. 319624, Jan. 1997
1997 Lin, Y.Y., 1997, 'Human resource information systems: Implementation in Taiwan, ' Research and Practice in Human Resource Management, Vol.5, No.1, pp.57-72., vol. 319622, Jan. 1997
1997 Lin, Y.Y.;Chiu, H.Y., 1997, 'The evaluation of training and development, ' Journal of Human Resources Development, No.7, pp.67-83., vol. 319537, Jan. 1997
1996 Lin, Y.Y., 1996, 'The Training and development practices in Taiwan: A comparative study of Taiwanese, USA, and Japanese firms in Taiwan, ' Asia Pacific Journal of Human Resources, Vol.34, No.1, pp.26-43., vol. 319625, Jan. 1996
年度 論文名稱
2019 吳思華*;林月雲, 2019.11, '教育創新生態系統, ' 2019第十屆教育創新國際學術研討會, 清華大學竹師教育學院.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2019
2019 Liu, D.*;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2019.11, 'The Mediation Effect of Brand on Relationship between Secondary Stakeholder and Corporate Performance: An Empirical Study in China, ' 50th Annual Conference of the Decision Sciences Institute, Decision Sciences Institute.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2019
2019 Lin, C.Y.Y*, 2019.09, 'Digital Competences: Comparing Advanced Countries with Developing Countries, ' The 15th Edition of the World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities, New Club of Paris.(*為通訊作者), Sep. 2019
2019 Lin, C.Y.Y.*; Liu, J.S., 2019.09, 'Creative public service: Ruro Platform, ' Japan Creativity Society, 日本創造學會.(*為通訊作者), Sep. 2019
2019 Lin, C. Y.Y.*;Wu, S.H., 2019, 'Educational entrepreneurs: The making of educational innovation ecosystem, ' 2019第9屆教育政策與行政前瞻研討會, 國立暨南大學.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2019
2019 Lin, C. Y.Y.*;Wu, S.H., 2019, 'Educational entrepreneurs engaging in social innovation, ' Asia Academy of Management Association, AAOM.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2019
2019 劉丹*;林月雲, 2019, '市場導向型組織文化對企業競爭績效的影響:投資者關係的中介效果, ' Taiwan Academy of Management Association, TAOM.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2019
2019 Liu, E.*;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2019, 'The Influence of CSR Secondary Stakeholders on Corporate Competitive Performance: An Empirical Study in China, ' AOM Specialized Conference, AOM.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2019
2019 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Tyan, J., 2019, 'The relationship between Social Progress Index and GDP: The mediating role of national intellectual capital, ' AOM Specialized Conference, AOM.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2019
2019 Lin, C.Y.Y.*, 2019, 'Social innovation that caught international attention, ' 2019第十屆社會企業學術研討會, 輔仁大學.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2019
2018 Lin, C. Y.Y.*, 2018.11, 'South Africa after the financial crisis: National Intellectual Capital perspective, ' ICICKM 2018, ICICKM.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2018
2018 Yen, N.S.*;Li, C. W.;Chang, T. T.;Lin, C. Y. Y.;Tan, D.;Chen, Y. C., 2018.10, 'The role of motivational systems in dissecting the neural correlates of ambidextrous decision making, ' 2018 Society for Neuroeconomics, Society for Neuroeconomics.(*為通訊作者), Oct. 2018
2018 林月雲*, 2018.06, 'Blue Sea of Banking Industry in Taiwan: Case of O-Bank, ' 63rd ICSB World Congress, Reshaping the world through innovative SMEs, 中小企業處委託青創會.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2018
2018 林月雲*;Leif Edvinsson, 2018.06, 'Intangible capital of Nordic Countries: A navigation map, the 14th World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities, ' The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities, Universite Paris Sud.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2018
2018 林月雲*;吳思華, 2018.06, 'A new breed of social entrepreneur: Educational entrepreneur, ' 63rd ICSB World Congress, Reshaping the world through innovative SMEs, 中小企業處委託青創會.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2018
2018 張葶葶*;林月雲;顏乃欣;譚丹琪, 2018.03, 'Dissecting the neural correlates of ambidextrous decision making, ' CNS 2018 Annual Meeting, Cognition Neuroscience Society.(*為通訊作者), Mar. 2018
2018 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Giron, A.;Prudot, J.D., 2018, 'From IMPCT Coffee to Early Childhood Education in Poor Countries, ' 2018第九屆社會企業學術研討會, 輔仁大學.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2018
2017 林月雲*, 2017.07, 'Intangible assets: National intellectual capital comparison of Southeast Asian and Northeast Asian countries, ' AIB 2017 Annual Conference, Academy of International Business.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2017
2017 Lin, C. Y.Y.*, 2017, 'Chair – Session 2.3.7, Human resource management, Global strategy, and firm performance, ' AIB 2017 Annual Conference, AIB.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2017
2017 Lin, C.Y.Y.*, 2017, 'Social Innovation and the Future of Social Change, ' The 8th Social Enterprises Conference, Fujen University.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2017
2016 Lin,C.Y.Y.*, 2016.06, 'Four way voice, ' 2016 XXVII ISPIM Innovation Conference Blending tomorrow’s innovation vintage, ISPIM.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2016
2016 Chen, M.Y.C.*;Yang, C.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2016, 'Understanding the Effect of Management Innovation on Hospital Performance: The Role of Organizational Capital, ' 2016 Management Theory and Practice Conference, NTU Management Review.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2016
2016 游銘仁*;許牧彥;林月雲;莊皓鈞, 2016, '廠商專佔能力策略和開放性的關係:探討創新類型的調節效果, ' 第四屆海峽兩岸科技管理學術年會, 長安大學.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2016
2016 孫書恩*;林月雲, 2016, '台灣B型企業之企業社會責任的最佳實務研究, ' 2016創新研究國際學術研討會, 創新與創造力研究中心.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2016
2016 呂葆光*;林月雲, 2016, '農業轉型結合社會企業與公平貿易之商業模式探討以卡維蘭為例, ' 2016創新研究國際學術研討會, 創新與創造力研究中心.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2016
2015 Chang, C.C., 2015.05, 'Host country intellectual capital, inter-country distances and international market selection, ' The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities 11th edition, The University Paris-Sud., May. 2015
2015 Chang, C.C.*;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2015, 'Host country intellectual capital, inter-country distances and international market selection, ' Innovative ecosystems, joint intangibles and territories: The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities 11th edition, The European Chair on Intellectual Capital, the University Paris-Sud.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2015
2015 Yu, M.J.*;Lien, W.C.;Lin, Y.Y., 2015, 'Openness and Technological Innovation: The moderating effect of TMT characteristics, ' Asian Academy of Management 2015 Conference, Chinese University of Hong Kong.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2015
2015 廖巍庭*;林月雲, 2015, '參賽動機、學習互動、參賽困境與個人能力發展關聯性之研究:以「2014年智慧鐵人創意競賽」為例, ' 台灣科技大學第十四屆管理新思維國際研討會, 台灣科技大學.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2015
2014 Wang, Y.D.*;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2014.12, 'From Doom to Boom: Green and Social innovation, ' ISPIM Asia-Pacific Innovation Forum, Singapore Management University.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2014
2014 Lin, T.Y.*;Tan, D.C.;Lin, Y.Y., 2014.09, 'The impact of interaction fairness and reciprocity on the social capital of strategic partnership, ' Taiwan AOM, China Medical University.(*為通訊作者), Sep. 2014
2014 Yiu, C.H.*;Hsu, D. D;Lin, Y.Y., 2014.09, 'The impact of knowledge openness, talent diversity and employee’s innovation on firm innovation performance, ' Taiwan AOM, China Medical University.(*為通訊作者), Sep. 2014
2014 Liao, W. C.*;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2014.08, 'Human capital and performance: The moderating effect of culture and knowledge acquisition, ' 2014 Academy of Management Annual Meeting, Academy of Management.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2014
2014 Yang, C.C.*;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2014.07, 'An Empirical Study on Human Resource Management Practices and Attitude of Staff - Use Taiwan Medical Institutions for Example, ' IAM2014 Summer, 社團法人台灣管理創新學會.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2014
2014 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Joey Chiang, 2014.06, 'Investing in China: How can SME survive? 59th conference of the International Council for Small Business, ' 59th conference of the International Council for Small Business, International Council for Small Business.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2014
2014 林月雲*, 2014.03, 'Cross-strait comparison of human capital and economic development, ' Conference of cross-strait economic development comparison, National Chengchi University, pp.209-226.(*為通訊作者), Mar. 2014
2014 林月雲*, 2014, '兩岸人力資本與經濟發展關係之比較研究, ' 兩岸發展經濟比較學術研討會, 政治大學, pp.209-226.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2014
2014 Stahle, P.*;Lin, C.Y.Y.;Edvinsson, E., 2014, 'National Intellectual capital valuation – NIC, ' The World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities 10th edition, Managing knowledge in boundaryless organizations.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2014
2014 林德怡*;譚丹琪;林月雲, 2014, '互動公平性與互惠性對策略聯盟夥伴關係資本的影響─不確定性的干擾效果, ' 台灣組織與管理學會年會, 中國醫藥學院.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2014
2014 游嘉惠*;徐嘉黛;林月雲, 2014, '知識開放度、人才多元性與員工創造力對創新之影響, ' 台灣組織與管理學會年會, 中國醫藥學院.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2014
2014 Lin, C.Y.Y.*, 2014, 'Renewal Capital of some Asian Countries, ' ISPIM Asia-Pacific Innovation Forum, ISPIM Asia-Pacific Innovation Forum.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2014
2013 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Bounfour, A, 2013.07, 'Comparing China and India: National intellectual capital perspective, ' Academy of International Business Annual Conference, Academy of International Business Annual Conference.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2013
2013 Wang, Y.D.*;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2013.06, 'Social innovation: EMBA-NPO, ' ISPIM 2013 Annual Conference, International Society for Professional Innovation Management.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2013
2012 Lin, C.Y.Y., 2012.08, 'C-IC fit predicts performance: Insights from national culture and national intellectual capital fit, ' 2012 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM), Academy of Management., Aug. 2012
2012 Liu, F.C.;Lin, C.Y.Y.;Teng, C.I.;Tseng, H.M., 2012.07, 'Team Creativity Process: A Potential Driver for Perceived Team Effectiveness, ' 2012 International Conference on Business and Information, Business and Information., Jul. 2012
2012 Lin, C.Y.Y.*, 2012.06, 'Regional implications for the global knowledge development, ' Skanor Conversation, SKANE,Naringsliv Skane,En investering for framtiden, The New Club of Paris, pp.10-13.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2012
2012 Egri, C.;Yu, J.;Lin, C.Y.Y.;Lo, C.;Moon, Y.L., 2012.06, 'The influence of stakeholder pressures on corporate social responsibility in East Asia, ' IACMR conference, 中國管理研究國際學會., Jun. 2012
2012 Yang, C.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2012.01, 'Technical HRM and Strategic HRM: Competing or Complementing?, ' The 4th International HR Conference., Jan. 2012
2011 Lin, C.Y.Y.;Edvinsson, L., 2011.11, 'National Intellectual Capital in Israel, ' the 4th Knowledge Cities World Summit., Nov. 2011
2011 Hsiao, C.C.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2011.11, 'Do Supportive Human Resource Practices Mediate the Effect of Entrepreneurial Orientation on Firm Performance?, ' DSI2011 conference, Decision Sciences Institute., Nov. 2011
2011 林月雲*, 2011.07, 'What government can do to improve human capital of small and medium enterprises: Taiwan’s experience, ' 第五屆海峽兩岸企業管理學術研討會, 雲南大學.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2011
2011 Lin, C.Y.Y., 2011.01, 'Human Capital in the e-economy: GTS-IC2 Model, ' International e-Learning Conference 2011., Jan. 2011
2010 Lee, I.C.;Lin, Y.Y., 2010.12, 'The Creation of National Intellectual Capital: Form Hofstede''s National Culture Perspective, ' Asia Academy of Management Conference., Dec. 2010
2010 Tung, Y.C.;Lin, Y.Y.;Lin, Y.P., 2010.12, 'The Effect of Career Capital and Internal/ External Opportunities on International Career Choices, ' Asia Academy of Management Conference., Dec. 2010
2010 Yu, J.S.H.;Lin, C.Y.Y.;Egri, C.P.;Lo, C.W.H., 2010.12, 'Nature or nurture? A behavioral genetics view of CSR in China, Hong Kong and Taiwan, ' 2010 Asia Academy of Management Conference at Macau, Asia Academy of Management., Dec. 2010
2010 Lin, Carol;Wen, C.T., 2010.11, 'Future Center in Taiwan: Incubation Process, ' Knowledge Cities World Summit., Nov. 2010
2010 Lin, Carol, 2010.11, 'Knowledge Assets and Capital Systems, ' Knowledge Cities World Summit., Nov. 2010
2010 Timothy H.E. Tan;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2010.10, 'Corporate Philanthropy: Is CSR for Large Company Only?, ' ISBC International Small Business Congress., Oct. 2010
2010 Silvia Amato;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2010.10, 'The decentralization of health management systems through small and medium enterprises in BRIC-countries: A semantic model, ' ISBC International Small Business Congress., Oct. 2010
2010 Lin, Y.Y.;Leif Edvinsson, 2010.03, 'What national intellectual capital indices can tell about the global economic crisis of 2007-2009?, ' 2nd European Conference on Intellectual Capital., Mar. 2010
2009 Wei, Y.C.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2009.12, 'How can corporate social responsibility lead to firm performance, ' 2009 AIB Hong Kong Conference., Dec. 2009
2009 Lin, C.Y.Y., 2009.02, 'Intellectual Capital “EEEC” model and the case of Franz Collection, ' IFKAD 2009 Conference., Feb. 2009
2009 Wei, Y.C.;Egri, C.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2009, 'Do corporate social responsibility practices make a difference in eastern and western contexts?, ' 2009 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM)., Jan. 2009
2009 Lin, T.Y.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2009, 'Cultural Congruence and Firm Performance: A Cross-cultural Comparison, ' the AIB 2009 San Diego Conference., Jan. 2009
2008 Liao, W.C.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2008.12, 'Gender-stereotype leadership or androgynous leadership?, ' 2008 Asia Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AAoM)., Dec. 2008
2008 Lin, C.Y.Y.;Chen, M.Y.C.;Huang, C.H., 2008.12, 'Does Strategic Planning Affect Organizational Survival?, ' 2008 Academy of Management Annual Meeting (AOM)., Dec. 2008
2008 Lin, Y.Y.;Whetten, D., 2008.06, 'Culture and intellectual capital alignment predicts performance: Insights from national models, ' AIB 2008 conference., Jun. 2008
2008 Lin, Y.Y.;Edvinsson, L., 2008.06, ' National intellectual capital: Four Southern European Countries, ' IFKAD 2008 conference., Jun. 2008
2008 Lin, Y.Y.;Edvinsson, L., 2008.01, 'National intellectual capital: Comparison of the BRIC Countries, ' 28th McMaster World Congress., Jan. 2008
2007 Yu, B.S.;Lin, Y.Y.;Chang, S.F., 2007.09, 'Corporate succession: A qualitative study, ' Management Challenge under Globalization, TAoM Conference Proceedings., Sep. 2007
2007 Chen, D.;Lin, Y.Y.;Chung, K.P., 2007.09, 'Career stress and health of female managers in Taiwanese hospitals: A multilevel model approach, ' 2007第一屆台灣組織與管理學會年會, TAOM., Sep. 2007
2007 Wei, Y.C.;Lin, Y.Y., 2007.09, 'Determinants of Organization Decline: A Resource-Based Perspective, ' 2007第一屆台灣組織與管理學會年會., Sep. 2007
2007 Liao, W.C.;Lin,Y.Y.;Huang, P.D., 2007.09, 'Gender comparison of leadership similarity and difference: Case analyses, ' Management Challenge under Globalization, TAoM Conference Proceeding., Sep. 2007
2007 Lin, Y.Y., 2007.05, 'Intellectual capital: A comparison of seven European countries, ' Intellectual Capital Congress 2007., May. 2007
2007 Egri, C.P.;Ralston, D.A. Palmer;Lin, Y.Y.;Castro, F.;Gutierrez, J.R.;Perrinjaquet, A., 2007, 'A multinational study of corporate stakeholders and organizational culture: Which stakeholders are more important and why?, ' 2007 Academy of Management Conference Annual Meeting., Jan. 2007
2007 Lin, Y.Y., 2007, 'The birth, transformation and death of organizations: Two industries in Taiwan, ' 2007 Academy of Management Conference Annual Meeting., Jan. 2007
2006 Lin, Y.Y.;Wei, Y.C., 2006.12, 'Environmental pressure and organizational decline: The moderating effects of human capital and social capital, ' Asian Academy of Management., Dec. 2006
2006 Lin, Y.Y.;Lee, I.C., 2006.12, 'National intellectual capital: A comparison of Japan, Korea and Taiwan, ' Asian Academy of Management., Dec. 2006
2006 林月雲, 2006.12, 'Value adding of traditional Chinese culture through the lenses of intellectual capital: Taking Lee and Lee company as an example, ' Proceeding of 2006 Service Management Conference, National Chengchi University., Dec. 2006
2006 Lin, Y.Y.;Lin, T.Y., 2006.12, 'National intellectual capital: A comparison of the Nordic countries, ' 2006 科管年會., Dec. 2006
2006 紀乃文*;林月雲, 2006.08, 'Exploring the curvilinear relationship between HPWS and organizational performance in Taiwan, ' 2006 Academy of Management Conference Annual Meeting, Academy of Management.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2006
2006 Lin, Y.Y., 2006.06, 'How SMEs in Taiwan achieve organizational renewal, ' Second Conference of International Association for Chinese Management Research (IACMR)., Jun. 2006
2006 Liu, S.S.;Lin, Y.Y., 2006.05, ' Building Customer Capital through Knowledge Management Processes in the Healthcare Context, ' 2006 Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference., May. 2006
2006 Lin, Y.Y.;Chen, Y.C., 2006.03, 'Innovation Leads to Performance? An Empirical Study of SMEs in Taiwan, ' 2006 The Western Academy of Management Conference., Mar. 2006
2006 Lin, Y.Y.;Wei, Y.C.;Chen, M.H., 2006.01, 'The Role of Board Chair in the Relationship between Board Human Capital and Firm Performance, ' 27th McMaster World Congress., Jan. 2006
2006 Lin, Y.Y.;Wei, Y.C., 2006, 'Human Capital, Social Capital and Organizational Decline: A longitudinal study, ' 2006 Academy of Management Conference Annual Meeting., Jan. 2006
2006 Lin, Y.Y.;Lin, T.Y., 2006, 'National intellectual capital: Exploring Taiwan’s standing, ' Taiwan Intellectual Capital Research Center” Annual Conference., Jan. 2006
2005 Lin, Y.Y.;Yang, C.C.;Chu, S.S., 2005.12, 'Shaping a learning organization for creating the future: Taking Far Eastern Memorial Hospital as an example, ' Proceeding of 2005 Service Management Conference, National Chengchi University., Dec. 2005
2005 Lin, Y.Y., 2005.10, 'The role Mandarin teaching plays in the internationalization of higher education in Taiwan, ' Cross-strait Adult Education Conference, Tamkang University, pp.70-81., Oct. 2005
2005 Huang, Y.M.;Lin, S.C.;Lin, Y.Y., 2005.10, 'Boundary-spanning behaviors of R&D engineers – An interactive approach of social networks and organizational commitment, ' 2005 Conference on Commitment, Commitment in Organizations., Oct. 2005
2005 Lin, Y.Y.*;Cheng, Hsiang-Lin, 2005.08, 'Expatriates’ Selection and Overseas Performance in Emerging Markets: Taiwanese SMEs in Vietnam and Malaysia, ' AOM 2005 Conference in Hawaii.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 2005
2004 Chieu, K.M;Lin, Y.Y.*;Chu, S.S., 2004.12, 'Healthcare innovation: From the perspective of FEMH open-heart surgery team, ' Proceeding of 2005 Service Management Conference, National Chengchi University, pp.204-219.(*為通訊作者), Dec. 2004
2004 Lin, Y.Y.*, 2004.10, 'Successful organizational transformation: The perspective of bifurcation and self-organization, ' ECCON 2004 Conference.(*為通訊作者), Oct. 2004
2004 林月雲;Hsu, B.M;Wu, S.H, 2004, 'Human Capital Accumulation: Engineers'' Perspective, ' 25th McMaster World Congress: Management of Intellectual Capital and Innovation Conference, 25th McMaster World Congress: Management of Intellectual Capital and Innovation Conference., Jan. 2004
2003 Lin, Y.Y., 2003.12, 'Alliance of different versions: Taiwanese hotel association in Houston USA, ' Proceeding of 2003 Service Management Conference, National Chengchi University,., Dec. 2003
2003 Lin, Y.Y*, 2003.11, 'Progression and Maximization of Intellectual Capital: Organization Development Perspective, ' 2003 International Forum on Intellectual Capital in Taiwan, pp.D1-1 – D1-15.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2003
2002 林月雲;Hunag, Y. M;Lin, Y. F, 2002.09, 'Human resource development of SMEs in Taiwan, ' The 1st Asian Regional International Conference on Human Resource Development, The 1st Asian Regional International Conference on Human Resource Development., Sep. 2002
2002 Huang, Y.M.;Lin, Y.Y., 2002.06, 'The study of the relationship between investment in Mainland China and employment in Taiwan, ' Proceedings of the Second Conference on Cross-Strait Industry Development and Management, National Chen-Kuan University., Jun. 2002
2002 林月雲;Cheng, H. L, 2002.05, 'Expatriates'' selection criteria and overseas performance: Taiwanese SMEs in Vietnam and Malaysia, ' The 12th International Conference on Comparative Management, Section, The 12th International Conference on Comparative Management, Section., May. 2002
2001 Lin, Y.Y.*, 2001.06, 'Expatriates management: A comparison of Taiwanese enterprises and western enterprises, ' Proceedings of HRM in a Global Economy 2001.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2001
2000 林月雲*, 2000.11, '派外人員管理, ' 華人企業人力資源管理與發展研討會, 中華人力資源管理協會, pp.D1-1-D1-11.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2000
2000 林月雲, 2000.10, '改革長跑接力賽, ' 第六屆服務管理研討會, 國立政治大學企業管理學系., Oct. 2000
2000 Lin, Y.Y.*, 2000.06, 'Determinants of networking: A perspective from publishing industry in Taiwan, ' Proceedings of SMEs in a Global Economy Conference, University of Wollongong, Australia, pp.383-394.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2000
1998 林月雲, 1998.06, '高科技研發人員訓練發展與前程發展之研究, ' 第一屆高科技人力資源管理國際研討會, 國立中央大學, pp.4-1 – 4-22., Jun. 1998
1998 林月雲*, 1998, '企業倫理省思, ' 管理哲學研討會.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 1998
1997 林月雲*, 1997.10, '台灣人力資源管理之展望, ' 海峽兩岸人力資源開發與管理研討會, 北京中國勞動學會.(*為通訊作者), Oct. 1997
1997 Lin, Y.Y.*;Lee, L.T., 1997, 'The role of Taiwan in Chinese human resources integration, ' Proceedings of the Fifth Annual Conference on Global Business Environment and Strategy, pp.1-7.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 1997
1996 Lin, Y.Y.*, 1996.08, 'Management Philosophy and Organizational Climate in Taiwan, ' Proceedings of the ADSGM Conference.(*為通訊作者), Aug. 1996
1996 林月雲*;林鈺欽, 1996, '中小企業轉型關鍵因素研究:組織變革之觀點, ' 國立交通大學第一屆企業發展與管理研討會論文集, pp.E4-1 - E4-10.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 1996
1996 林月雲*;劉宜惠, 1996, '企業訓練需求合理化研究:以德州儀器工業股份有限公司為例, ' 國立交通大學第一屆企業發展與管理研討會論文集, pp.B1-1 - B1-13.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 1996
1995 林月雲;邱宏益, 1995, '以服務品質的觀點探討員工培訓, ' 第一屆全國品質管理研討會論文集, pp.181-186., Jan. 1995
1995 何文魁;林月雲, 1995, '人力資源資訊系統在我國企業之應用, ' 第六屆國際資訊管理學術研討會論文集, pp.302-310., Jan. 1995
1995 林月雲*, 1995, '高階續承人員的甄選:分析層級程序法之應用, ' 第一屆管理學術定性研究方法研討會論文集, pp.80-95.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 1995
1994 Lin, Y.Y., 1994, 'The role of empowerment in Total Quality Management, ' Proceedings of the Taipei International Quality Conference, pp.291-296., Jan. 1994
1994 林月雲*;陳文賢, 1994, '以組織變革提昇顧客滿意度及經營品質, ' 台北國際品質會議論文集, pp.115-120.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 1994
1994 Lin, Y.Y.*, 1994, 'The role of managers'' learning in human resource development: A comparative study of American, Japanese, and Taiwanese firms in Taiwan, ' ACME Transactions, pp.366-373.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 1994
年度 書名
2019 Wu, S.H.*;Lin, Y.Y, 2019, 'Innovation and Entrepreneurship in an Educational Ecosystem: Cases from Taiwan, ' Springer Publishing.(*為通訊作者), 424772, Jan. 2019
2019 Lin, Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L.;Consunji,M., 2019, 'National Intellectual Capital Yearbook 2019, ' National Chengchi University.(*為通訊作者), 426217, Jan. 2019
2016 Lin, C.Y.Y.*, 2016.01, 'World cities that need transformation: Intellectual capital of 36 cities, ' Open Innovation Yearbook 2016, Publications Office of the European Union, pp.93-102.(*為通訊作者), 411128, Jan. 2016
2016 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Chen, J., 2016, 'The Impact of Societal and Social Innovation:A Case-Based Approach, ' Springer Publishing Co.(*為通訊作者), 411129, Jan. 2016
2015 Lin, C.Y.Y.*, 2015, 'Creative cities and LERP-PEARL transition model, ' Open Innovation Yearbook 2015, Publications Office of the European Union, pp.95-103.(*為通訊作者), 409290, Jan. 2015
2014 Lin, C.Y.Y.*, 2014, 'Innovative government leaves legacy after the financial crisis, ' Open Innovation Yearbook 2014, Publications Office of the European Union, pp.78-88.(*為通訊作者), 404682, Jan. 2014
2014 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Chang, C.C;Liu, F.C.;Lin, T.W., 2014, 'The allure of cities, ' Reading Times Publishing Company.(*為通訊作者), 407244, Jan. 2014
2014 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L.;Chen, J.;Beding, T., 2014, 'Navigating intellectual capital after the financial crisis, ' Springer Publishing Co.(*為通訊作者), 405846, Jan. 2014
2014 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L.;Chen, J.;Beding, T., 2014, 'National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Mexico, and Venezuela, ' Springer Publishing Co.(*為通訊作者), 402598, Jan. 2014
2014 Lin, C.Y.Y*;Edvinsson, L.;Chen, J.;Beding, T, 2014, 'National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Australia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand, and the United States, ' Springer Publishing Co.(*為通訊作者), 402597, Jan. 2014
2014 Lin, C.Y.Y*;Edvinsson, L;Chen, J.;Beding, T, 2014, 'National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, and Sweden, ' Springer Publishing Co.(*為通訊作者), 402595, Jan. 2014
2014 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L.;Chen, J.;Beding, T., 2014, 'National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Indonesia, Malaysia, the Philippines, and Thailand, ' Springer Publishing Co..(*為通訊作者), 395054, Jan. 2014
2014 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L.;Chen, J.;Beding, T, 2014, 'National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Israel, Jordan, South Africa, and Turkey., ' Springer Publishing Co.(*為通訊作者), 395053, Jan. 2014
2014 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L.;Chen, J.;Beding, T, 2014, 'National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Hungary, Romania, and Poland, ' Springer Publishing Co.(*為通訊作者), 395052, Jan. 2014
2014 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L.;Chen, J;Beding, T, 2014, 'National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Austria, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Switzerland, ' Springer Publishing Co.(*為通訊作者), 395045, Jan. 2014
2014 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L.;Chen, J.;Beding, T., 2014, 'National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in France, Germany, Ireland, and the United Kingdom, ' Springer Publishing Co.(*為通訊作者), 395044, Jan. 2014
2013 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Chen, J., 2013.07, 'The Netherlands: Social economic implications from an intellectual capital perspective, ' Nova Science Publishers Inc..(*為通訊作者), 395059, Jul. 2013
2013 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Jeffrey Chen, 2013.06, 'The Netherlands: Social economic implications from an intellectual capital perspective, ' Progress in economics research V.27, Nova Publisher, pp.101-140.(*為通訊作者), 381079, Jun. 2013
2013 Lin, C.Y.Y.*, 2013.03, 'Intellectual capital explains a country’s resilience to financial crises: A resource-based view in Patricia Ordonez de Pablos, Robert D. Tennyson and Jingyuan Zhao (ed.), ' Business Science Reference., Business Science Reference., pp.52-75.(*為通訊作者), 395073, Mar. 2013
2013 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L.;Chen, J.;Beding, T., 2013.02, 'National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in China, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Taiwan, ' Springer Publishing Co..(*為通訊作者), 379846, Feb. 2013
2013 Lin, C.Y.Y.*, 2013, 'The development and evolution of intellectual capital research in Taiwan, ' Management Review, Kung-Hwa Management Foundation, pp.1-6.(*為通訊作者), 404684, Jan. 2013
2013 Lin, Y.Y.*;Rowe, G., 2013.01, 'A non-traditional female entrepreneur (C),in G. Rowe and L. Guerrero (ed.) Cases in leadership (3rd ed.), ' Sage Publication.(*為通訊作者), 395068, Jan. 2013
2012 Lin, C.Y.Y.*, 2012.12, 'Navigating intellectual capital of nations for service innovation in the European Union, ' Open Innovation Yearbook 2012, Publications Office of the European Unio, pp.118-124.(*為通訊作者), 395075, Dec. 2012
2012 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L.;Chen, J.;Beding, T., 2012.12, 'National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Brazil, Russia, India, China, Korea, and South Africa, ' Springer Publishing Co..(*為通訊作者), 379845, Dec. 2012
2012 Lin, C.Y.Y.*;Edvinsson, L.;Chen, J.;Beding, T., 2012.11, 'National intellectual capital and the financial crisis in Greece, Italy, Portugal, and Spain, ' Springer Publishing Co..(*為通訊作者), 379847, Nov. 2012
2012 Lin, Y.Y.*;Rowe, G., 2012.04, 'A non-traditional female entrepreneur, ' Sage Publication, pp.502-504.(*為通訊作者), 379844, Apr. 2012
2011 Lin, Y.Y.*;Leif Edvinsson, 2011.01, 'National intellectual capital: A comparison of 40 countries, ' Springer Publishing Co..(*為通訊作者), 319847, Jan. 2011
2010 Edvinsson, L.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2010, 'Mapping of Intellectual Capital of Nations, ' Service Innovation Yearbook 2010-2011, Publications Office of the European Unio, pp.136-139., 332038, Jan. 2010
2000 Lin, Y.Y., 2000, 'Organization Development, Chapter 8, ' Human Resource Management, Shi-Ta Book Store Publishing, pp.267-316., 332060, Jan. 2000
1996 Lin, Y.Y., 1996, 'Organizational change and human resource management, ' 1996 Human Resource Management Yearbook, China Times & CHRMA, pp.86-92., 332062, Jan. 1996
計畫類別 年度 計畫名稱 參與人 職稱/擔任之工作 計畫期間 補助/委託或合作機構
非科技部 110 人文社會科學領域教育國際變革與趨勢比較計畫 陳幼慧,林月雲,藍美華,陳世娟 共同主持人 2021.04 ~ 2021.07 教育部
非科技部 109 109年度人文社會科學與科技前瞻人才培育計畫-教師社群及課程模組培力計畫 藍美華,林月雲,陳文玲 協同主持人 2020.09 ~ 2021.08 教育部
非科技部 109 教育創新群力匯聚 劉吉軒,詹志禹,傅如馨,王素芸,林月雲 共同主持人 2020.09 ~ 2022.08 教育部國民及學前教育署
科技部 109 國家智慧資本對OECD更佳生活指標之解釋力 林月雲 計畫主持人 2020.08 ~ 2021.07 科技部
非科技部 108 教育創新群力匯聚 劉吉軒,林月雲,詹志禹,王素芸,傅如馨 共同主持人 2019.09 ~ 2020.08 教育部國民及學前教育署
非科技部 108 人文社會與科技前瞻人才培育計畫-教師社群及課程模組培力計畫 藍美華,熊瑞梅,林月雲 協同主持人 2019.09 ~ 2020.08 教育部
科技部 108 建立城市特色:智慧資本之觀點 林月雲 計畫主持人 2019.08 ~ 2020.10 科技部
非科技部 107 人文社會與科技前瞻人才培育計畫-教師社群及課程模組培力計畫 藍美華,熊震寰,林月雲 協同主持人 2018.09 ~ 2019.08 教育部
非科技部 107 教育創新群力匯聚 劉吉軒,林月雲,詹志禹,傅如馨 共同主持人 2018.09 ~ 2019.08 教育部國民及學前教育署
科技部 107 UNESCO 創意城市之智慧資本 林月雲 計畫主持人 2018.08 ~ 2019.07 政治大學
科技部 107 UNESCO 創意城市之智慧資本 林月雲 計畫主持人 2018.08 ~ 2020.03 科技部
科技部 107 跨文化經驗對探索與利用傾向之影響:神經科學之觀點 林月雲 計畫主持人 2018.08 ~ 2021.06 科技部
科技部 106 台灣金融業之群聚描繪 林月雲 計畫主持人 2017.08 ~ 2018.07 政治大學
科技部 106 台灣金融業之群聚描繪 林月雲,林月雲 計畫主持人 2017.08 ~ 2018.07 科技部
科技部 106 科技部人文司《人文與社會科學簡訊》之編輯與發行 林月雲 計畫主持人 2017.01 ~ 2017.12 科技部
科技部 105 無形資產:國家智慧資本、更佳生活指標、社會進步指標與永續社會指標相關性研究 林月雲 計畫主持人 2016.08 ~ 2017.07 科技部
科技部 104 由神經科學觀點探討樂觀對組織學習雙元性之影響(2/3) 顏乃欣,林月雲,譚丹琪,張葶葶 共同主持人 2016.08 ~ 2019.07 科技部
科技部 105 《人文與社會科學簡訊》之編輯與發行 林月雲 計畫主持人 2016.01 ~ 2016.12 科技部
科技部 104 由神經科學觀點探討樂觀對組織學習雙元性之影響(1/3) 譚丹琪,張葶葶,顏乃欣,林月雲 共同主持人 2015.08 ~ 2019.07 科技部
科技部 102 智慧資本之發展:宏觀與微觀研究-城市智慧資本模型建構與排名(總計畫及子計畫一)(3/3) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2015.08 ~ 2016.12 科技部
科技部 104 《人文與社會科學簡訊》之編輯與發行 林月雲 計畫主持人 2015.01 ~ 2015.12 科技部
科技部 102 智慧資本之發展:宏觀與微觀研究-城市智慧資本模型建構與排名(總計畫及子計畫一)(2/3) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2014.08 ~ 2015.07 科技部
科技部 103 《人文與社會科學簡訊》之編輯與發行 林月雲 計畫主持人 2014.01 ~ 2014.12 科技部
非科技部 102 第十二屆全國高中職智慧鐵人創意競賽記第十屆國際邀請賽委託研究 林月雲 計畫主持人 2013.11 ~ 2014.09 政治大學
非科技部 102 第12屆全國高中職智慧鐵人創意競賽暨第10屆國際邀請賽-委託研究組 林月雲 計畫主持人 2013.11 ~ 2014.09 國立中山大學
科技部 102 智慧資本之發展:宏觀與微觀研究-城市智慧資本模型建構與排名(總計畫及子計畫一)(1/3) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2013.08 ~ 2014.07 科技部
科技部 102 《人文與社會科學簡訊》編輯與發行 林月雲 計畫主持人 2013.01 ~ 2013.12 科技部
非科技部 101 區域智慧資本三年計畫(第一年) 吳安妮,吳靜吉,林月雲,周麗芳,溫肇東,陳蕙芬,邱于芸,侯勝宗,彭火樹,于國華,張朝清,駱世民,郭麗華,廖文宏,陳聖智,林顯達,張瑜倩,林良楓,劉吉軒 共同主持人 2012.12 ~ 2013.12 經濟部
科技部 99 『智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討』三年整合型計畫-子計畫一 : 國家智慧資本趨勢分析,結構資本與關係資本理論應用(3/3) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2012.08 ~ 2013.12 科技部
科技部 99 「智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討」三年整合型計畫-「智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討」之總計畫(3/3) 林月雲,董玉娟 計畫主持人 2012.08 ~ 2013.12 科技部
科技部 99 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:人力資源管理次領域(3/3) 蔡維奇,林月雲,黃家齊,劉吉軒 共同主持人 2012.06 ~ 2013.05 科技部
科技部 101 《人文與社會科學簡訊》編輯與發行 林月雲 計畫主持人 2012.01 ~ 2012.12 科技部
科技部 99 『智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討』三年整合型計畫-子計畫一 : 國家智慧資本趨勢分析,結構資本與關係資本理論應用(2/3) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2011.08 ~ 2012.07 科技部
科技部 99 「智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討」三年整合型計畫-「智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討」之總計畫(2/3) 林月雲,董玉娟 計畫主持人 2011.08 ~ 2012.07 科技部
非科技部 100 學生宿舍宿費訂價之研究 周玲臺,林月雲 共同主持人 2011.04 ~ 2011.09 國立政治大學
科技部 100 《人文與社會科學簡訊》編輯與發行 林月雲 計畫主持人 2011.01 ~ 2011.12 科技部
科技部 99 『智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討』三年整合型計畫-子計畫一 : 國家智慧資本趨勢分析,結構資本與關係資本理論應用(1/3) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2010.08 ~ 2011.07 科技部
科技部 99 「智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討」三年整合型計畫-「智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討」之總計畫(1/3) 林月雲,董玉娟 計畫主持人 2010.08 ~ 2011.07 科技部
科技部 99 補助人文及社會科學研究圖書計畫規劃主題:人力資源管理次領域(1/3) 蔡維奇,林月雲,黃家齊,劉吉軒 共同主持人 2010.06 ~ 2011.05 科技部
非科技部 99 99年度國際青年大使交流計畫 林月雲 計畫主持人 2010.03 ~ 2010.09 外交部
科技部 96 The study of intellectual Capital:OB/HRM perspective-子計畫二:國家智慧資本ˋ結構資本ˋ與關係資本之理論初探(3/3) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2009.08 ~ 2010.12 科技部
科技部 96 The study of intellectual Capital:OB/HRM perspective-子計畫二:國家智慧資本ˋ結構資本ˋ與關係資本之理論初探(2/3) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2008.08 ~ 2009.07 科技部
科技部 96 The study of intellectual Capital:OB/HRM perspective-子計畫二:國家智慧資本、結構資本、與關係資本之理論初探(1/3) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2007.08 ~ 2008.07 科技部
科技部 95 台灣智慧資本整合型研究—國家智慧資本初探與智慧資本之動態分析(2/2) 林月雲,莊奕琦 計畫主持人 2006.08 ~ 2008.04 科技部
科技部 94 台灣成功企業智慧資本之探討:十年縱斷面研究(2/2) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2005.08 ~ 2006.09 科技部
科技部 94 台灣智慧資本整合型研究-國家智慧資本初探與智慧資本之動態分析(1/2) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2005.08 ~ 2006.12 科技部
非科技部 94 獎勵大學校院擴大招收外國學生補助計畫 林月雲 計畫主持人 2005.02 ~ 2005.11 教育部
科技部 93 台灣成功企業智慧資本之探討:十年縱斷面研究(1/2) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2004.08 ~ 2005.09 科技部
科技部 93 智慧資本赴歐洲考察計畫(國外差旅費) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2004.07 ~ 2004.09 科技部
科技部 93 管理一學門一般管理領域卓越研究營 于卓民,李吉仁,林月雲 共同主持人 2004.06 ~ 2006.01 科技部
非科技部 93 補助設置北區中小企業研訓中心計畫 于卓民,林月雲 協同主持人 2004.01 ~ 2004.12 經濟部中小企業處
科技部 92 人力資本管理與組織績效的關係 林月雲,林淑姬 計畫主持人 2003.08 ~ 2004.12
科技部 91 從複雜理論看組織之關係洞察力(2/2) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2002.08 ~ 2003.12 科技部
非科技部 91 人力資本蓄積、流動與組織績效:組織與個人之觀點 林月雲,吳思華 計畫主持人 2002.06 ~ 2003.11 中華經濟研究院
非科技部 91 九十一年度設置北區中小企業研訓中心計畫 林英峰,于卓民,韓志翔,林月雲 協同主持人 2002.04 ~ 2002.12 經濟部中小企業處
科技部 90 從複雜理論看組織之關係洞察力(1/2) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2001.08 ~ 2002.07
科技部 89 產業變遷、組織轉變、策略制定與組織成敗之關係-組織生態之觀點(2/2) 林月雲 計畫主持人 2000.08 ~ 2001.07
非科技部 89 科技背景跨領域高級人才培訓需求調查 林月雲 計畫主持人 2000.08 ~ 2000.11 財團法人工業技術研究院
科技部 89 產業變遷、組織轉變、策略制定與組織成敗之關係---組織生態之觀點(I) 林月雲 計畫主持人 1999.08 ~ 2000.07 科技部
年度 名稱 發表日期 全部作者
2019 林月雲*, 2019, '建立城市特色:智慧資本之觀點, ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者) 2019-01-01
2018 林月雲*, 2018.08, 'UNESCO 創意城市之智慧資本, ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者) 2018-08-01
2018 林月雲*;顏乃欣;張葶葶;譚丹琪, 2018.07, '跨文化經驗對探索與利用傾向之影響:神經科學之觀點, ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者) 2018-07-01
2017 Lin, Y.Y.*, 2017, 'Cluster Mapping of Financial Industry in Taiwan, ' Ministry of Science and Technology.(*為通訊作者) 2017-01-01
2016 林月雲*, 2016.08, '無形資產:國家智慧資本、更佳生活指標、社會進步指標與永續社會指標相關性研究, ' 科技部.(*為通訊作者) 2016-08-01
2013 林月雲*, 2013.08, '智慧資本之發展:宏觀與微觀研究 (總計劃與子計畫一) (1/3,2/3,3/3), ' 行政院國家科學委員會.(*為通訊作者) 2013-08-01
2012 林月雲, 2012, '金融海嘯過後:大瓏醫療器材公司, ' 台灣中小企業處. 2012-01-01
2011 Lin, C.Y.Y., 2011.11, 'Leveraging intellectual capital for future competitiveness in Finland, ' Tekes Finland (the Finnish Funding Agency for Technology and Innovation). 2011-11-01
2011 Lin, C.Y.Y., 2011.11, 'Asian economic growth and intellectual capital, ' Université Paris – SUD 11. 2011-11-01
2011 Lin, C.Y.Y., 2011.10, 'A comparative view on intellectual capital of the Central Baltic Sea region: Asian economic growth and its implications, ' Central Baltic Sea region representative meeting at Uusimaa Regional Council, Helsinki. 2011-10-01
2011 Lin, C.Y.Y., 2011.05, 'National intellectual capital: Eight countries comparison, ' World Conference on Intellectual Capital for Communities – 7th Edition (IC7). 2011-05-01
2011 Lin, C.Y.Y.;Rowe, G., 2011, 'A non-traditional female entrepreneur, ' Richard Ivey School of Business Foundation, the University of Western Ontario, Canada. 2011-01-01
2011 楊一鳴;林月雲, 2011, '大學如何推動品德教育:以政治大學4D深耕品德教育方案為例, ' 學生事務,第50卷,第2期,頁15-29. 2011-01-01
2010 林月雲, 2010, '智慧資本之研究:管理議題探討(總計劃) (1/3, 2/3, 3/3), ' National Science Council. 2010-01-01
2010 林月雲, 2010, '國家智慧資本趨勢分析:結構資本與關係資本理論應用(子計劃一)(1/3, 2/3, 3/3), ' 國科會. 2010-01-01
2007 林月雲, 2007, '國家智慧資本、結構資本、與關係資本之理論初探, ' 行政院國家科學委員會. 2007-01-01
2006 林月雲, 2006, ' 台灣智慧資本整合型研究:國家智慧資本初探與智慧資本之動態分析 (2/2), ' 國科會. 2006-01-01
2005 林月雲, 2005, '台灣成功企業智慧資本之探討:十年縱斷面研究 (2/2), ' 國科會. 2005-01-01
2005 林月雲, 2005, '台灣智慧資本整合型研究:國家智慧資本初探與智慧資本之動態分析 (1/2), ' 國科會. 2005-01-01
2004 Lin, Y.Y., 2004, 'Alternative Alliance: American Houston Hotel and Motel Association, ' Taipei: International MBA Program college of Commerce, National Chengchi University. 2004-01-01
2004 林月雲, 2004, '台灣成功企業智慧資本之探討:十年縱斷面研究 (1/2), ' 國科會. 2004-01-01
2004 林月雲, 2004, '人力資本管理與組織績效的關係, ' 行政院國科會. 2004-01-01
2002 林月雲, 2002, '從複雜理論看組織之關係洞察力(2/2), ' 國科會. 2002-01-01
2001 林月雲, 2001, '由複雜理論看組織之關係洞察力 (1/2), ' 國科會. 2001-01-01
2001 林月雲, 2001, '產業變遷、組織轉變、策略制訂與組織成敗之關係 -- 組織生態之觀點 (II), ' 國科會. 2001-01-01
2000 林月雲;Nguyen H.;Wu B.;Nguyen H., 2000, '科技背景跨領域高級人才培訓需求調查, ' 經濟部工研院. 2000-01-01
2000 林月雲, 2000, '產業變遷、組織轉變、策略制訂與組織成敗之關係 -- 組織生態之觀點 (I), ' 國科會. 2000-01-01
1999 林月雲, 1999, '由國內標竿企業探討公務機關之教育訓練評估, ' 人事月刊,卷29,第6期,頁54-60. 1999-01-01
1999 林月雲, 1999, '授能初探:以保險業為例, ' 行政院國科會. 1999-01-01
1999 林月雲, 1999, '管理才能評鑑, ' 工研院光電所. 1999-01-01
1999 林月雲, 1999, '公務人力訓練績效評估方法之研究, ' 公務人力發展中心. 1999-01-01
1998 林月雲, 1998, '邁向二十一世紀人力資源管理體質總評估:商業類剖析(II), ' 行政院國家科學委員會. 1998-01-01
1998 林月雲, 1998, '青年競爭力的培養與提昇, ' 中華民國八十七年全國青年發展會議論文集,行政院青年輔導委員會,頁69-74. 1998-01-01
1998 林月雲, 1998, '培訓體系 - 組織轉型觸媒, ' 工業雜誌,頁46-48. 1998-01-01
1998 林月雲, 1998, '八十五年度專科以上學校畢業青年就業狀況調查, ' 行政院青年輔導委員會. 1998-01-01
1997 林月雲, 1997, '邁向二十一世紀人力資源管理體質總評估:機械製造修配業剖析, ' 行政院國家科學委員會. 1997-01-01
1997 林月雲, 1997, '組織轉型過程中訓練體系之配合與定位, ' 八十七年度全國企業訓練北區成果發表會,行政院勞工委員會職業訓練局. 1997-01-01
1996 林月雲, 1996, '培養具生涯彈性的員工, ' 人事月刊,卷22,第6期,頁73-75. 1996-01-01
1996 林月雲, 1996, '從社會技術的觀點探討自動化對組織的影響, ' 行政院國家科學委員會. 1996-01-01
1995 林月雲, 1995, '人力資源部門在海外投資事業的角色研究, ' 行政院國家科學委員會. 1995-01-01
1993 林月雲, 1993, '人力資源管理跨國研究, ' 行政院國家科學委員會. 1993-01-01
國家 學校名稱 系所 學位 期間
美國 美國德州大學奧斯汀分校 Human Resource Development 博士 1986.08 ~ 1991.12
台灣,中華民國 國立臺灣大學 外國語文學系 學士 1970.09 ~ 1974.06
經歷類別 服務機關名稱 單位 職務 期間
校內本職 政治大學 企業管理學系 教授 2021.08 ~ 迄今
類別 年度 獎項名稱 頒獎單位
校內 107 特聘教授 政治大學
校外 107 科技部研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
校內 105 特聘教授 政治大學
校外 105 獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
校內 105 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
校外 105 科技部傑出研究獎 科技部(國科會)
校內 104 特聘教授 政治大學
校外 104 獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
校內 104 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
校內 103 傑出服務教師獎 政治大學
校外 103 獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
校內 103 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
事蹟 102 Best Reviewer - 2013 conference Academy of International Business
校外 102 獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
校內 102 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
校內 101 特聘教授 政治大學
校內 101 資深優良教師 (20年) 國立政治大學
校外 101 獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
校內 101 學術研究優良獎 政治大學
校外 100 獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
校外 100 教育部優秀公教人員 教育部
校外 99 獎勵特殊優秀人才 科技部(國科會)
校內 98 特聘教授 政治大學
校內 96 學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎 政治大學
校內 94 學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎(02) 政治大學
校內 94 學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎(01) 政治大學
校內 92 三等服務獎章 政治大學
校內 91 資深優良教師 (10年) 國立政治大學
校內 90 學術研究成果國際化優等研究獎 政治大學
校外 89 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
校外 88 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
校外 87 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
校外 86 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
校外 85 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)
校外 84 國科會甲種研究獎勵 科技部(國科會)