Job Title Associate Professor
Office Tel No. 87078
Research Expertise Operations Management Quality Management Business Decision Making Supply Chain Management
Teaching Field •Services Management • Operations Management Seminar • Operations Management • Lean Enterprise and Management Practice Seminar
Address Department of Business Administration, National ChengChi University NO.64, Sec.2,ZhiNan Rd., Wenshan District, Taipei City 11605,Taiwan (R.O.C)
Project Category Year Project Title Participator Job Title Period Unit
Other Projects 99 99年度教育部暨所屬機關與大專校院政風實況問卷調查 JENG TIAN-TZER,LEE YIH-YUH 2010.10 ~ 2010.11 Ministry of Education, Republic of China (Taiwan)
Other Projects 98 櫻花廚藝生活館顧客價值優化與國際品牌塑造計畫 LEE YIH-YUH,YANG JIANN-MIN Principal Investigator 2009.05 ~ 2010.01
Other Projects 89 臺北捷運發包策略與人力運用 CHANG AI-HWA,LEE YIH-YUH,HUANG PING-DER 2000.03 ~ 2000.07
MOST Projects 87 全面品質管理成永鶬鉿]素之研究 LEE YIH-YUH Principal Investigator 1997.08 ~ 1998.07 Ministry of Science and Technology
MOST Projects 86 大學入學甄試群組決策支授系統的應用 LEE YIH-YUH Principal Investigator 1996.08 ~ 1997.07 Ministry of Science and Technology
Country School Name Department Degree Duration
U.S.A. Kansas State University Industrial Engineering 博士 1987.08 ~ 1990.05
Experience Category Organization Title Department Job Title Duration
Current NATIONAL CHENGCHI UNIVERSITY Department of Business Administration 副教授 2021.08 ~ 2025.08