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History And Mission
Department of Business Administration was established in 1962 under a cooperative program with University of Michigan in Ann Arbor, Michigan. The MBA program and Ph. D. program were started in 1965 and 1976 respectively. To accelerate the development of management expertise for those not on campus, the Department also offers extension educational programs for executives. It was the first department of its nature in Taiwan. The mission, course objectives, course design and development of faculty were carefully planned by the administration of the University and an advisory team from University of Michigan.
The mission of this department is to be a leading research and teaching institute in Asia-Pacific region. By capitalizing on the unique geographic position of Taiwan, we strive for globalization and localization of our research and teaching. Our research aims to integrate the best management knowledge of the East and the West in combination with pioneering practices of local enterprises to produce contributive works that are beneficial to the business and educational communities. We are also committed to educate the best business graduates and researchers in the region who have received solid training in both social science and business management and also have possessed broad knowledge of the business environment and practices.
Under the guideline of the departmental mission, the learning goals of NCCU Bachelor of Business Administration Program are:
(1)General knowledge and leadership: to train students with the necessary knowledge and leadership skills to prepare them to become socially responsible adults and competent professionals with leadership potential.The program emphasizes team work approach to learning and each student learns to play a leadership role. It encourages students to actively participate in exchange programs, international competitions, consulting practicum, and internships, and to volunteer for non-profit organizational works.Students are expected to build up long term learning habit and to assume contribution to the society as their life long goal.
(2)Management-specific knowledge and skills: to educate students in the state-of-the-art business practices, concepts, and methods. The program regularly revises its curriculum by modifying existing courses and adding innovative courses to reflect the future trends and current issues in business practices and theoretical development.The program also uses CEO forum, company field-tour, business research conference, business simulation competition, and cross-program interactions to expose students to non-traditional learning opportunities. The theoretical and practical training help them become "thinking" managers and outstanding business leaders in the global marketplace.