Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
1994 吳思華;黃竿民, 1994, '台灣地區企業經理人公務事務處理模式之研究, ' 中國行政, No.56, pp.101-122., vol. 135513, Jan. 1994
1994 吳思華, 1994, '國內產業技術研究機構統治類型之研究, ' 國立政治大學學報, No.69,Part 2, pp.165-192., vol. 135512, Jan. 1994
1993 黃秉德, 1993.07, '塑造新生代的勞資關係, ' 勞資關係月刊, Vol.12, No.3, pp.142-153., vol. 119399, Jul. 1993
1993 許士軍, 1993.05, '二十一世紀管理的關鍵要素, '., vol. 120660, May. 1993
1993 許士軍, 1993.05, '學術期刊在現代社會中的角色與地位, '., vol. 120659, May. 1993
1993 許士軍, 1993.05, 'Corporate Culture and Its Interraction with the National Culture, '., vol. 120646, May. 1993
1993 于卓民, 1993, 'The Impact of Country-of Origin Cue on the Cvaluation of Industrial Products, '., vol. 119311, Jan. 1993
1993 于卓民, 1993, 'Japanese in the U.S.Pharmaceutical Industry:Motivations,1993:Toward Global Excellence, '., vol. 119296, Jan. 1993
1993 于卓民, 1993, 'Review of Cross-Functional Management:Principles and Practical Applications, '., vol. 119289, Jan. 1993
1993 李易諭, 1993.01, '模糊線性規劃在整體生產計劃之應用, '., vol. 119488, Jan. 1993