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許士軍, 1993.05, '二十一世紀管理的關鍵要素, '., vol. 120660, May. 1993 |
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許士軍, 1993.05, 'Corporate Culture and Its Interraction with the National Culture, '., vol. 120646, May. 1993 |
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于卓民, 1993, 'The Impact of Country-of Origin Cue on the Cvaluation of Industrial Products, '., vol. 119311, Jan. 1993 |
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于卓民, 1993, 'Japanese in the U.S.Pharmaceutical Industry:Motivations,1993:Toward Global Excellence, '., vol. 119296, Jan. 1993 |
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于卓民, 1993, 'Review of Cross-Functional Management:Principles and Practical Applications, '., vol. 119289, Jan. 1993 |
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李易諭, 1993.01, '模糊線性規劃在整體生產計劃之應用, '., vol. 119488, Jan. 1993 |