Conference Paper

Year Paper Title
1998 洪順慶, 1998.07, '成人紙尿布的領導者:富堡公司, '., Jul. 1998
1998 韓志翔;Su-fen Chiu, 1998.06, '“Institutional environments and industrial democracy”, ' th Conference of the International Association for the Economics of Participation, “Participation and Change in the Global Economy”, University of Bristol., Jun. 1998
1998 于卓民, 1998.06, '「國際企業之協調與控制-個案之整理與分析」, '., Jun. 1998
1998 林月雲, 1998.06, '高科技研發人員訓練發展與前程發展之研究, ' 第一屆高科技人力資源管理國際研討會, 國立中央大學, pp.4-1 – 4-22., Jun. 1998
1998 黃家齊, 1998.05, '績效資訊與薪資設計, ' 1998企業管理研討會論文集, 東吳大學, pp.221-232., May. 1998
1998 黃秉德, 1998.05, '非營利組織的經營管理, ' 政大非營利組織小型研討會, 政治大學非營利組織研究室., May. 1998
1998 于卓民, 1998.03, '「台灣企業之國際化經驗」, '., Mar. 1998
1998 林月雲*, 1998, '企業倫理省思, ' 管理哲學研討會.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 1998
1998 韓志翔;Ben-Ner,Avner F. Kong,S.Bosley;W. A. Burns, R. Butler,;N.Liu, andY.S.York, 1998, '“Workplace organization and human resource practices: The retail food industry,”, ' Understanding the Service Workplace” Conference, Wharton Business School, University of Pennsylvania,., 1998
1998 樓永堅, 1998, 'The Impact of Winning an Award and Country of Origin on Product Evaluation-The Moderating Role of Involvement, ' Asia Pacific Advances in Consumer Research, Association for Consumer Reasearch., 1998