Conference Paper

Year Paper Title
2002 林億明;黃家齊, 2002.07, '團隊導向的人力資源管理實務對團隊知識分享與創新的影響—社會資本的中介效果, ' 2002人力資源論文與案例發表會光碟論文集, 中華人力資源發展學會., Jul. 2002
2002 黃家齊;許雅婷, 2002.07, '人格特質與團隊組成對知識分享、創新績效的影響, ' 2002人力資源論文與案例發表會光碟論文集, 中華人力資源發展學會., Jul. 2002
2002 黃家齊;蔡達人, 2002.06, '團隊多元化、衝突與創新效能, ' 2002科際整合管理國際研討會光碟論文集, 東吳大學., Jun. 2002
2002 黃家齊;許雅婷, 2002.06, '團隊人格特質組成對知識分享、創新績效的影響, ' 2002科際整合管理國際研討會光碟論文集, 東吳大學., Jun. 2002
2002 Huang, Y.M.;Lin, Y.Y., 2002.06, 'The study of the relationship between investment in Mainland China and employment in Taiwan, ' Proceedings of the Second Conference on Cross-Strait Industry Development and Management, National Chen-Kuan University., Jun. 2002
2002 別蓮蒂, 2002.05, '公益行銷效益評估—明基兒福合作活動案剖析, ' 第十屆中華民國廣告暨公共關係學術與實務研討會, 政大廣告系., May. 2002
2002 黃家齊, 2002.05, '人力資源管理活動與組織績效—員工技能與動機的中介效果, ' 2002海峽兩岸財經與商學研討會論文集(上冊), 東吳大學, pp.541-562., May. 2002
2002 林月雲;Cheng, H. L, 2002.05, 'Expatriates'' selection criteria and overseas performance: Taiwanese SMEs in Vietnam and Malaysia, ' The 12th International Conference on Comparative Management, Section, The 12th International Conference on Comparative Management, Section., May. 2002
2002 韓志翔;Ben-Ner, Avner;Fanmin Kong, 2002.01, '“Do ESOPs matter? Productivity,profitability, employment, wages, and workplace safety,”, ' the 2002 American Economic Association (AEA) Annual Meeting, 0., Jan. 2002
2002 于卓民;官志亮;喬友慶, 2002, '「國際企業管理教育與企業需求配適性之探討」, '., Jan. 2002