1977 |
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1974 |
許士軍, 1974.12, 'Organizational Climate and the Adoption of New Marketing Techniques by Exporters in a Training Setting, '., vol. 120644, Dec. 1974 |
1973 |
許士軍, 1973.04, '利用知識傳播以規劃創新之理論, '., vol. 120649, Apr. 1973 |
1972 |
許士軍, 1972.05, '有關黎、史二氏「組織氣候」尺度在我國企業機構之適用探討, '., vol. 120647, May. 1972 |
1972 |
許士軍, 1972.03, '企業整體規劃之觀念模型,哲學及工具, '., vol. 120648, Mar. 1972 |
Tsai-Ju Liao*;Chwo-Ming Joseph Yu, 'Knowledge transfer, regulatory support, legitimacy, and financial performance: The case of foreign firms investing in China/Journal of world business, '.(*為通訊作者), vol. 336266, Jan. 2023 |
司徒達賢;于卓民, '環境特性與公司特性對多國籍企業網路關係之影響:在台外商公司之實證研究, '., vol. 119586, Jan. 2023 |