Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
1990 于卓民, 1990, 'Foreign Direct Investment and the Experience Effect, '., vol. 119284, Jan. 1990
1990 于卓民, 1990, 'Piggybacking:A Quick Way to Internationalization, '., vol. 119283, Jan. 1990
1990 M. Tang;Chwo-Ming J. Yu, 1990, 'Foreign Market Entry:Production-Related Strategies, ' Management Science, Vol.36, No.4, pp.476-489.(SSCI), vol. 119282, Jan. 1990
1990 李易諭;Kramer, B. A., 1990, 'Part-Period Balancing with Uncertainty, '., vol. 119485, Jan. 1990
1989 許士軍, 1989, 'Comparative Industrial Policy: China(ROC), France, and Japan in Management, '., vol. 120643, 1989
1988 許士軍, 1988.12, '企業研究發展與策略規劃, '., vol. 120657, Dec. 1988
1988 許士軍, 1988.09, '國外買主心目中的我國產品及國內供應商認知的差距, '., vol. 120656, Sep. 1988
1988 于卓民, 1988, 'Determinants of Foreign Investment of U.S.Advertising Agencies, '., vol. 119281, Jan. 1988
1988 Chwo-Ming J. Yu*;K. Ito, 1988, 'Oligopolistic Reaction and Foreign Direct Investment:The Case of the U.S.Tire and Textile Industries, ' Journal of International Business Studies, Vol.19, No.3, pp.449-460.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 119280, Jan. 1988
1988 吳思華, 1988, '政府「產業國際化策略」之探討, ' 管理透視, No.3, pp.48-53., vol. 135519, Jan. 1988