Journal Paper

Year Paper Title
1999 J.W. Fowler;J.K. Cochran;S. Horng, 1999.02, 'A Group-Technology Coded Literature Review of Semiconductor Manufacturing Publications: The MASMLAB Bibliography Web Site, ' IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing, Vol.12, No.2, pp.259-263.(IEEE), vol. 167883, Feb. 1999
1999 林月雲, 1999, 'A comparison of perceptions about business ethics in four countries, ' The Journal of Psychology, Vol.133, No.06, pp.641-655.(SCIE), vol. 149990, Jan. 1999
1999 Lin, Y.Y., 1999, 'Business ethics in Taiwan: A comparison of company employees and university students, ' Business & Professional Ethics Journal, Vol.18, No.2, pp.69-90., vol. 149984, Jan. 1999
1999 洪順慶;陳振燧, 1999, '消費品品牌權益衡量表之建構─顧客基礎觀點, ' 中山管理評論, Vol.7, No.4, pp.1175-1199., vol. 153901, Jan. 1999
1999 吳思華;許總雲, 1999, '服務業中知識資源建構與維持策略之研究, ' 中華管理評論, Vol.2, No.1, pp.1-8., vol. 404727, Jan. 1999
1999 樓永堅, 1999, '問題次序的訪答效應之初探, ' 調查研究, Vol.00, No.07, pp.35-58., vol. 143262, 1999
1999 樓永堅, 1999, '非營利組織行銷:表演藝術團體之探索性研究, ' 中國行政, No.65., vol. 143256, 1999
1998 洪順慶, 1998.12, '顧客基礎的品牌權益建立之研究, ' 管理學報, Vol.15, No.4, pp.623-642., vol. A10463, Dec. 1998
1998 黃秉德, 1998.08, '企業合作下勞工權益的保障機制之實證研究--台灣企業合作經驗的分析, ' 勞動學報, No.7, pp.17-36., vol. 135733, Aug. 1998
1998 洪順慶, 1998.07, 'Market Orientation of Small-and Medium-Sized Firms in Taiwan, ' Journal of Small Business Management, Vol.36, No.3, pp.79-85., vol. A10462, Jul. 1998