Appier沛星 徵才

  • 2018-08-16
  • 張維芬
職缺--台灣/香港/中國市場的客戶經理,分別協助1.品牌 2. 電子商務的客戶, 具體JD如下:
Job Description
- Strategize and plan digital marketing campaigns to meet client goals. 
- Manage campaign launch and ongoing operations, including market research, budgeting and reporting. 
- Establish and manage campaign material production. 
- Provide campaign analysis report and marketing advices. 
- Coordinate communication with both internal and external parties. 
- Communicate data and strategy in a clear and concise manner. 
- Cultivate strong relationships with clients. 
- Propose and implement business growth and process improvement.
- Fast-learner, interested in online advertising industry and data monitoring. 
- Logically thinking and time management abilities. 
- Requires a combination of strong analytical and communication skills, with some technical understanding. 
- Detail-oriented with good organization. 
- Able to work independently in a fast-paced environment. 
- Online marketing experience or impressive presentation skill is a plus. 
- Fluent English communication skills are must.