Right Customer at the Right Time
時間:10月4日(星期五) 下午13:10-15:00
地點:商學院7樓 260712室
主溝者:Prof. Dr. Jesús García de Madariaga
( Department of Business Organization and Marketing
Faculty of Economics and Business
Complutense University of Madrid)
Professor of the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of which he has been Vice Dean of International Relations (2007-2011).
Doctor of Economic and Business Sciences and Bachelor of Information Sciences (extraordinary prize).
Marketing Coordinator of the Department of Business Organization and Marketing
Director of the UCM Markco2 Research Group. Since 2008 he directs the UCM-ISDI Extraordinary Chair and since 2015 the UCM-tatum Commercial Innovation Forum agreement.
Member of the Doctoral Commission of Business Administration.
Visiting professor at different international universities in extended stays (California Polytechnic State University) and temporary (University of Córdoba (Argentina), Westminster University and Regent´s College (London), Moscow Academy of Finance (Russia), Advantia-Negotiations of Paris and ICN Business School of Nancy (France), Hogeschool of Amsterdam and Eindhoven (Netherlands), Berlin School of Economics and Law (Germany), Sapienza Università di Roma (Italy)).
Co-author of the books "Marketing of Cultural Tourism" (2016), "New trends in marketing" (2014) coordinated by Pintado and Sánchez Herrera. (Esic), "Tourism Marketing" (2011) with Philip Kotler (7th Edition, Pearson), book "Principles of Marketing" (2011) (4th Edition, Esic, Madrid), "Dictionary of Management in Business and Marketing" (2009) coordinated by Sastre (Ecobook –Editorial del Economista), and technical reviewer of the book “Principles of Marketing” (2008) written by Kotler, P. and Armstrong, (12th edition, Prentice Hall).
His main lines of research are: Neuromarketing, Tourism, Customer Value Management, Green consumption, and Corporate Social Responsibility. He has published articles in prestigious scientific journals (Technological and Economic Development of Economy, Physiology & Behavior, Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, Journal of Cultural Heritage Management and Sustainable Development, Journal of Marketing Channels, Innovate, Journal of Business Ethics, Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing, Universia Business Review Management, Journal of Database Marketing and Customer Strategy Management, Journal of International Technology an Information Management, Esic-Market, Notebooks of Economy, Papers of Economy, Distribution and Consumption, Academy of Marketing Science News, etc.), being a member of the Scientific Commission and editor in some journals.
He has directed and participated in different research projects different institutions RTC2106-4718-7, TIN2016-75850-R and ECO2012-36275 of MINECO and S2015 / HUM-3317 of the Community of Madrid) and companies (Bit-Brain, Tatum, Liga de Fútbol Profesional, Banco de Santander, General Secretariat of Tourism, IKEA, Higher Council for Scientific Research, Ministry of Agriculture, FONDECYT, Marketing-Communication Consultant).
He has directed fourteen doctoral theses. 4 of them extraordinary prize, 3 with European mention and all with the qualification of Outstanding Cum laude.
Companies constantly need to stay ahead of their customers and their competition to maintain the ability to meet customer expectations, improve customer relations, and maximize ROI. There are few major companies today who would not agree that understanding and managing customer experience is vital to survival. However, defining its essence is proving to be a difficult task.
To develop a relationship program, you still have to put individuals into groups, and develop products and strategies that will keep them loyal. That, in my opinion is where companies have the most difficulty. Even when you say to them, “I can help you to identify your key customer segments.” They respond, “Well, great. But tell me, what to do with them once they are identified. How do I manage each segment?”
Marketers are not yet sophisticated enough to know what to do with the information. Deciding what to measure and how to link measures to incentives are the most important database marketing decisions As Reichheld says “Net present value of the customer base should be at the top of the measurement hierarchy”
The only way to maximize Customer LifeTime Value (CLV) is to earn the loyalty of the most profitable customers by giving them superior value.
Initially, the ability to make successful marketing decisions with an end goal of maximizing ROI relies on the company's ability to produce useful measures of customer value. Knowing how much each customer is worth is crucial when a company decides which (if any) marketing communications should be initiated with that customer.
Once a company has predicted the values of all of its customers at the individual level using different metrics, strategic marketing decisions can be made to achieve maximum ROI. These different strategies involve reaching the right customer at the right time with the right offer.