Speaker’ s Website: https://www.chiayenchadchiu.com/
- 上午場(10:00 AM – 12:00 PM):學術論文寫作工作坊 — 本場次專為博士生與新進助理教授設計,旨在提升學術論文寫作技巧,助力研究發表。
- 下午場(1:30 PM – 3:30 PM):學術自由與責任的整合 — 本場次將探討如何在學術研究中平衡自由與責任,以提升研究影響力,適合各階段的研究人員參與。
🔹日期:2025 年 4 月 18 日(星期五)
📍地點:國立政治大學商學院大樓 260713 教室
📌活動聯絡人:官函霓 博士候選人 (111355505@nccu.edu.tw)
We cordially invite you to two insightful sessions led by Chia-Yen (Chad) Chiu, Associate Professor of Leadership at the UQ Business School, University of Queensland.
- Morning Session (10:00 AM – 12:00 PM): Journal Writing Workshop – Designed for PhD students and early career researchers, this workshop aims to enhance academic writing skills and improve publication success.
- Afternoon Session (1:30 PM – 3:30 PM): Integrating Scientific Freedom and Responsibility – A/Professor Chiu will explore how to balance academic freedom with responsibility to maximize research impact. This session is open to researchers at all career stages.
🔹 Date: April 18, 2025 (Friday)
📍 Venue: Room 260713, Commerce Building, National Chengchi University
📌 Contact Person: Hanni Kuan, Ph.D. Candidate (111355505@nccu.edu.tw)
🔗 Registration Link: https://forms.gle/CA7cuVeLXNw2N2M36
Morning Session: Journal Writing Workshop
📍 Location: Room 260713, Commerce Building
📅 Date & Time: 10:00 AM – 12:00 PM, April 18 (Friday), 2025
📌 Speaker: Chia-Yen (Chad) Chiu, Associate Professor in Leadership, University of Queensland
The introduction of a journal article serves as a gateway to the research, shaping readers’ first impressions and establishing the study’s relevance. This workshop focuses on two critical components of a strong introduction: (1) crafting engaging hooks to capture attention and (2) articulating research contributions with clarity and impact. Participants will learn strategies to design hooks that resonate with diverse audiences, from academic peers to practitioners, and to frame their research questions in ways that underscore significance.
The session also addresses how to effectively contextualize contributions by integrating literature gaps, practical implications, and theoretical advancements, ensuring alignment with journal expectations. Using real-world examples from top-tier Management journals, this interactive workshop will guide attendees in diagnosing common pitfalls in introduction writing, such as vague openings or overly broad problem statements.
This workshop focuses on crafting compelling journal article introductions. Key topics include writing engaging hooks, articulating research contributions, and aligning with journal expectations. Designed for doctoral students and early-career scholars, the session provides practical insights to enhance publication success.
📍 Location: Room 260713, Commerce Building
📅 Date & Time: 1:30 PM – 3:30 PM, April 18 (Friday), 2025
📌 Speaker: Chia-Yen (Chad) Chiu, Associate Professor in Leadership, University of Queensland
This presentation explores the vital interplay between scientific freedom and scientific responsibility in management research, highlighting their integration as a cornerstone for producing impactful scholarship. Scientific freedom empowers researchers to pursue innovative, high-risk questions, fostering creativity and groundbreaking discoveries. In contrast, scientific responsibility centers on addressing real-world challenges faced by organizations and society, ensuring research remains relevant and actionable.
Although these aims have traditionally been seen as conflicting—balancing academic innovation with practical application—top-tier management journals increasingly advocate for their integration. These outlets prioritize studies that not only advance theory but also offer solutions to pressing societal and organizational issues.
This talk explores balancing scientific freedom with responsibility to maximize research impact. It offers strategies for producing innovative yet practical studies, addressing real-world challenges, and enhancing publication prospects. Open to scholars at all career stages.
NCCU Department of Business Administration
📌 Co-organizer(Listed in alphabetical order)
Chinese Management Association
Taiwan Academy of Management
📌 Contact Person
Hanni Kuan
Lecturer; Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Business Administration,
National Chengchi University
📧 111355505@nccu.edu.tw