
年度 論文名稱
2001 彭朱如*;蘇洺賢, 2001, 'Partners, Resources, and Management Mechanisms of Inter-organizational Collaborative Ties in Non-Profit Organizations, ' 國科會專題計劃成果發表會管理(一)學門一般管理領域,國科會人文處, pp.451-468.(*為通訊作者), 2001
2001 彭朱如;Ming-Hsien Su, 2001, 'A Study of Inter-organizational Collaborative Ties and Management Mechanisms in Non-Profit Organizations, ' Proceedings of International Conference of Pacific Rim Management 11th., 2001
2001 管長青;蔡維奇, 2001, '影響學習型組織形成之相關因素研究:以工程顧問業為例。, ' 2001科際整合管理國際研討會, 東吳大學企業管理系., 2001
2001 Tsai, W. C.;Huang, Y. M., 2001, 'Exploring mediating processes underlying the relationship between employee displayed positive emotions and customer behavioral intentions., ' the Academy of Management Annual Meeting, the Academy of Management., 2001
2001 蔡維奇;林育瑋, 2001, '應徵者印象管理策略對甄選面談決策之影響。, ' 2001中小企業人力資源論文研討會, 中華民國人力資源發展學會., 2001
2001 Roan, J.;Huang, J. C., 2001, 'Algorithms for minimal cost-to-time ratio path problem with time window, ' Decision Sciences Institute 2001 Annual Meeting, pp.888-890., 2001
2000 C. Chao;S. Horng, 2000.11, 'Development and cost-effective applications of expert systems for improving the productivity of organizations, ' Information Technologies in Accounting, American Accounting Association, pp.1-21., Nov. 2000
2000 黃家齊, 2000.11, '人力資源管理、雇用關係與員工態度、行為之關聯性研究, ' 會計、管理及電子商務研討會論文集, 東吳大學, pp.29-54., Nov. 2000
2000 林月雲*, 2000.11, '派外人員管理, ' 華人企業人力資源管理與發展研討會, 中華人力資源管理協會, pp.D1-1-D1-11.(*為通訊作者), Nov. 2000
2000 林月雲, 2000.10, '改革長跑接力賽, ' 第六屆服務管理研討會, 國立政治大學企業管理學系., Oct. 2000