
年度 論文名稱
2001 韓志翔;陳悅琴, 2001.10, '「TO’GO 旅遊網站的經營-實體搭配虛擬通路」, ' 第七屆服務業管理研討會, *., Oct. 2001
2001 洪順慶;蔡振豪, 2001.10, '現代化的服務行銷經營─全國電子, ' 第七屆服務業管理研討會, 國立政治大學., Oct. 2001
2001 韓志翔;Chen, Yuen-Chin, 2001.06, 'The effects of inter-firm collaborative learning on strategic developments in a bilateral alliance between transnational corporations: The case study of NIKE and its relationships with Pou-Chen and Fen-Tay Group,”, ' 2001 International Conference in Management Sciences Proceedings, Tamkang University,., Jun. 2001
2001 黃家齊;阮金祥;劉宗哲, 2001.06, '人力資源管理活動與員工反應之關聯性差異分析, ' 2001海峽兩岸財經與商學研討會論文集(下冊), pp.147-161., Jun. 2001
2001 黃家齊, 2001.06, '人力資源管理活動、員工義務認知與組織公民行為, ' 第二屆提升競爭力與經營管理研討會論文集, 淡江大學, pp.103-119., Jun. 2001
2001 Lien-Ti Bei, 2001.06, 'An Integrated Model for the Effects of Perceived Product, Service Quality, and Price Fairness on Consumer Satisfaction and Loyalty, ' 2001 Consumer Satisfaction, Dissatisfaction and Complaining Behavior Conference., Jun. 2001
2001 Lin, Y.Y.*, 2001.06, 'Expatriates management: A comparison of Taiwanese enterprises and western enterprises, ' Proceedings of HRM in a Global Economy 2001.(*為通訊作者), Jun. 2001
2001 劉念琪;黃家齊, 2001.05, '人力資源管理活動對組織內個人知識分享行為之影響, ' 2001科際整合管理國際研討會論文集, 東吳大學, pp.129-140., May. 2001
2001 蔡達人;黃家齊, 2001.05, '團隊多元化對知識分享與創造的影響—以衝突為中介變項, ' 2001科際整合管理國際研討會論文集, 東吳大學, pp.343-362., May. 2001
2001 于卓民;巫立宇;潘淮陽, 2001.04, '「中華汽車—企業網絡外移模式」, '., Apr. 2001