
年度 論文名稱
2003 Lien-Ti Bei;Cian-Feng Shang, 2003.08, 'The Competitive Strategies for State-owned Enterprises Based on Customer Satisfaction, ' The 10th International Conference of the European Institute of Retailing and Services Studies., Aug. 2003
2003 Yu, Chwo-Ming Jo*;Wu, Lei-Yu;Hsu, Jason C., 2003.07, 'Network Dynamics of High Technology Firms: The Case of Firms in Hsinchu High Technology Industrial Park and Silicon Valley, ' Proceedings of the Conference on International Business.(*為通訊作者), Jul. 2003
2003 Tsai-Ju Liao;Lien-Ti Bei, 2003.06, 'The Impacts of Media Contact and Culture on Women''s Consumption Value in China and Taiwan, ' The Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference, Sociey of Consumer Psychology., Jun. 2003
2003 Iung-Jeng Shen;Lien-Ti Bei, 2003.06, 'Cross-cultural Comparisons of Brand Personality in Print Media: The Case of Mainland China and Taiwan, ' The Advertising and Consumer Psychology Conference., Jun. 2003
2003 黃家齊;林億明, 2003.05, '團隊導向的人力資源管理活動對團隊知識分享與創新之影響-社會資本的中介效果, ' 2003科際整合管理國際研討會光碟論文集, 東吳大學, pp.136-166., May. 2003
2003 別蓮蒂;楊國彬;喬友慶;戴湘涒, 2003.05, '表演藝術消費體驗與消費行為影響因素之探討, ' 第一屆當代行銷學術研討會, 中興大學., May. 2003
2003 Lien-Ti Bei;Iou-Ching Chiau, 2003.02, 'An Exploratory Study of the Cognitive Age versus Chronological Age of Teens and Adults in Taiwan, ' The Proceedings of the 2003 Society of Consumer Psychology Conference, pp.95-105., Feb. 2003
2003 于卓民;官志亮;喬友慶, 2003, '「國際營運管理能力之培育— 以管理教育機會方格談大學商管教育之努力方向」, '., Jan. 2003
2003 侯勝宗;吳思華;溫肇東, 2003, '先前知識對創業機會辨識與事業模式影響初探─以網路新創事業為例, '., Jan. 2003
2003 侯勝宗*;吳思華;溫肇東, 2003, '從韓國電影產業創新歷程省思台灣, '.(*為通訊作者), Jan. 2003