
年度 論文名稱
2017 Chen Cheng*;Peng Wen*;胡昌亞, 2017.06, 'Role of formal mentoring in protégés' work-to-family conflict: A double-edged sword, ' Journal of Vocational Behavior, Vol.100, pp.101-110.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 413919, Jun. 2017
2017 Dong Liu*;Yaping Gong;Jing Zhou;Jia-Chi Huang, 2017.06, 'Human Resource Systems, Employee Creativity, and Firm Innovation: The Moderating Role of Firm Ownership, ' Academy of Management Journal, Vol.60, No.3, pp.1164-1188.(SSCI, 科技部管理一學門推薦第一級期刊)(*為通訊作者), vol. 411703, Jun. 2017
2017 Chen, K.Y.*;Chen, P.Y.;Wu, L.Y., 2017.04, 'The Impact of Trust and Commitment on Value Creation in Asymmetric Buyer−Seller Relationships: The Mediation Effect of Specific Asset Investments, ' Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing, Vol.32, No.3, pp.457-471.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 412863, Apr. 2017
2017 Y. Gong*;M. Wang;Jia-Chi Huang;S. Y. Cheung, 2017.04, 'Toward a goal orientation-based feedback-seeking typology: Implications for employee performance outcomes., ' Journal of Management, Vol.43, No.4, pp.1234-1260.(SSCI, 管理一學門推薦第一級學術期刊)(*為通訊作者), vol. 406713, Apr. 2017
2017 Huang, K.F.*, 2017.02, 'Antecedents for Forming Simultaneous Alliances or One-by-One Alliances, ' Industrial and Corporate Change, Vol.26, No.1, pp.73-101.(SSCI, 科技部管理一學門推薦第一級學術期刊)(*為通訊作者), vol. 409618, Feb. 2017
2017 Li-Ming Chen;Shu-Jung Sunny Yang*, 2017.01, 'Are Purchased-triggered Donations Advantageous with Competition?, ' Journal of the Operational Research Society, Vol.68, No.3, pp.237-252.(SSCI, SCIE)(*為通訊作者), vol. 411458, Jan. 2017
2017 I-Chen Lee*;Carol Y.Y. Lin;Te-Yi Lin, 2017, 'The creation of national intellectual capital from the perspective of Hofstede’s national culture, ' Journal of Intellectual Capital, Vol.184, No.4, pp.807-831.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 417880, Jan. 2017
2017 Kuan-Ju Chen*;Jooyoung Kim, 2017, 'Humanizing brands: An examination of the psychological process of anthropomorphism and its effects on consumer responses, ' Journal of Marketing Management, Vol.5, No.2, pp.1-11.(EBSCO)(*為通訊作者), vol. 422996, 2017
2017 Hsiung, H. H.*;Tsai, W. C., 2017, 'The joint moderating effects of activated negative moods and group voice climate on the relationship between power distance orientation and employee voice behavior, ' Applied Psychology: An International Review, Vol.66, No.3, pp.487-514.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 413259, 2017
2017 Tsai, W. C.;Chen, H. Y.*, 2017, 'A multilevel investigation of antecedents of employee positive affective displays: The roles of customer negative affective displays and employee perceived supervisory support, ' European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, Vol.26, No.3, pp.385-398.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 412540, 2017