
年度 論文名稱
1995 于卓民, 1995.05, '區域製造中心的成立與台灣中小企業的因應策略, '., vol. 119294, May. 1995
1995 洪順慶, 1995.04, '中小企業市場導向作為之探討, '., vol. 118976, Apr. 1995
1995 許士軍, 1995.02, '掌握競爭優勢的策略思考, '., vol. 120662, Feb. 1995
1995 于卓民, 1995, '織出一片天:致力於研發與技術的東榮纖維, '., vol. 119313, Jan. 1995
1995 于卓民, 1995, 'Firm Characteristics and Importing from Psychologically Distant Markets:The Case of Taiwanese Firms Importing from Europe, '., vol. 119295, Jan. 1995
1995 于卓民, 1995, 'The Determinants of Bilateral Trade Among Asia-Pacific Countries, '., vol. 119293, Jan. 1995
1995 洪順慶, 1995, '堅持創新、品質、服務的羅莎食品, '., vol. 118966, Jan. 1995
1995 洪順慶, 1995, '企業促銷行為與政府規範, '., vol. 118967, Jan. 1995
1995 吳思華, 1995, '兩岸三地管理教育交流與合作具體作法芻議, ' 中華管理學術通訊, No.5, pp.13-14., vol. 404731, Jan. 1995
1995 Lien-Ti Bei;Eithel M. Simpson, 1995, 'The Determinants of Consumers'' Purchase Decisions for Recycled Products: An Application of Acquisition-Transaction Utility Theory, ' Advances in Consumer Research, Vol.12, pp.257-261.(SSCI), vol. 163364, 1995