
年度 論文名稱
2015 Aichia Chuang;Ryan Shuwei Hsu;An-Chih Wang;Timothy A. Judge, 2015.04, 'Does West “fit” with East? In search of a Chinese model of person-environment fit, ' Academy of Management Journal, Vol.58, No.2, pp.480-510.(SSCI), vol. 109983, Apr. 2015
2015 黃國峯*, 2015.03, 'Industrial Innovativeness, Disruptive Innovation, and Firm Performance, ' 企業管理學報, Vol.104, No.March, pp.1-18.(*為通訊作者), vol. 408309, Mar. 2015
2015 Hsieh, Kai-Yu*;Tsai, Wenpin;Chen, Ming-Jer, 2015.02, 'If they can do it, why not us? Competitors as reference points for justifying escalation of commitment, ' Academy of Management Journal, Vol.58, No.1, pp.38-58.(SSCI, UTD24, FT50, ABDC Journal Rating: A*)(*為通訊作者), vol. 423212, Feb. 2015
2015 Jung-Nung Chang*;Dah-Hsian Seetoo;Chwo-Ming Yu;Chia-Yi Cheng, 2015.02, 'Relational Management Mechanisms for Strategic Alliances Among Nonprofit Organizations, ' International Journal of Voluntary and Nonprofit Organizations, Vol.26, No.2, pp.1-34.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 407367, Feb. 2015
2015 Huang, K.F.;Lin, K.H.;Wu, L.Y.*;Yu, P.H., 2015.01, 'Absorptive Capacity and Autonomous R&D Climate Roles in Firm Innovation, ' Journal of Business Research, Vol.68, No.1, pp.87-94.(SSCI, 科技部管理一學門推薦期刊)(*為通訊作者), vol. 405656, Jan. 2015
2015 Huang, K.F.;Lin, K.H.;Wu, L.Y.*;Yu, P.H., 2015.01, 'Absorptive Capacity and Autonomous R&D Climate Roles in Firm Innovation, ' Journal of Business Research, Vol.68, No.1, pp.87-94.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 405587, Jan. 2015
2015 Yu-Tse Lin*;Kang-Ning Xia;Lien-Ti Bei, 2015.01, 'Customer’s Perceived Value of Waiting-Time for Service Events, ' Journal of Consumer Behaviour, Vol.14, No.1, pp.28-40.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 408266, Jan. 2015
2015 Ni, N.*;Egri, C.;Lo, C.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2015, 'Patterns of Corporate Responsibility Practices for High Financial Performance: Evidence from Three Chinese Societies, ' Journal of Business Ethics, Vol.126, No.2, pp.169-183.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 407242, Jan. 2015
2015 Wei, Y.C.*;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2015, 'Intangible assets and decline: A population ecology perspective, ' Journal of Management and Organization, Vol.21, No.6, pp.755-771.(SSCI)(*為通訊作者), vol. 405839, Jan. 2015
2015 Stahle, P.*;Stahle, S.;Lin, C.Y.Y., 2015.01, 'Intangibles and national economic wealth: A new perspective on how they are linked, ' Journal of Intellectual capital., Vol.16, No.1, pp.20-57.(*為通訊作者), vol. 404674, Jan. 2015